Indian Affairs

  Campo Wind

Welcome to the website for information regarding the proposed Campo Wind Project

Materials will be posted here for public information as they are generated and in support of decision processes for the project. Please check back frequently. Below are links to documents available in relation to this project at this time.

Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Notice of Public Scoping Meeting
Public Scoping Meeting Presentation
Campo Scoping Report
High Resolution Campo Wind Project Map
Public Meeting for DEIS Notice
Public Meeting Presentation

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

0000_Campo Wind EIS
A - Campo Wind Scoping Report
B - Campo Wind Project Details
C - Campo Wind Regulatory Settings
D - Campo Wind Tables and Graphs
E - Campo Wind Figures and Intro
F - Campo Wind Groundwater Resources Evaluation
G - Campo Wind AQ-GHG
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part1
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part2_A_Figures 1-8ab
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part3_A_Figures 8ac-8bo
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part4_A_Figures 8bp-14l
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part5_A_Figures 14ba-16
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part6_A_Figures 14m-14az
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part7_B-1_2010 45-Day Summary Report of Focused Surveys
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part8_B-2_2011 Focused Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Survey
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part9_C-1_2018 Focused Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Survey
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part10_C-2_2018 Focused Quino Checkerspot Butterfly Survey
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part11_D-1_45-Day Summary Reports of Protocol Surveys
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part12_D-2_2018 Least Bell’s Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part13_E-1_Plant Species Observed
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part14_E-2_Plant Compendium – Torrey Wind
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part15_F-1_Wildlife Species Observed
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part16_F-2_Wildlife Compendium – Torrey Wind
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part17_G_Golden Eagle Biotelemetry Data
H - Campo Wind BTR_Part18_H_Jurisdictional Delineation Forms
I - Campo Wind Cultural Report - Section 106
J - Campo Wind Traffic Impacts Analysis
K - Campo Wind Noise Analysis
L - Campo Wind Visual Impacts Analysis
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part1
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part2
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part3
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part4
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part5
N - Campo Wind Cumulative Scenario Impacts
O - Campo Wind References Cited
P - Campo Wind MM Table
Q - Campo Wind Consultation and Coordination
R - Campo Wind List of Preparers

Final Environmental Impact Statement

Notice of Availability of Final EIS
00 - Campo Wind Final EIS_Jan2020
A - Campo Wind Scoping Report
B - Campo Wind Project Description Details
C - Campo Wind Regulatory Settings
D - Campo Wind Environmental Resources Section Tables and Graphs
E - Campo Wind EIS Figures
F - Campo Wind Groundwater Resources Evaluation
G - Campo Wind AQ-GHG
H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 1 of 2
H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 2 of 3
H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 3 of 3
H - Campo Wind EIS BTR__Main
I - Campo Wind Cultural Report_PUBLIC
J - Campo Wind and BB Traffic Impact Analysis
K-1 - Campo Wind Noise Analysis
K-2 - Campo Wind Noise Addendum Memo
L - Campo Wind Visual Impacts Analysis
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part1of5
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part2of5
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part3of5
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part4of5
M - Campo Wind Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment_Part5of5
N - Campo Wind Cumulative Scenario Impacts
O - Campo Wind References Cited
P - Campo Wind Mitigation Measures
Q - Campo Wind Consultation and Coordination
R - Campo Wind List of Preparers
S - Campo Wind Shadow Flicker Study
T - Campo Wind Response to Public Comments

Record of Decision

Campo Wind Project ROD, Notice of Availability (NOA)
Campo Wind Project, Record of Decision (ROD)
Attachment 1 FEIS Comments - 1 of 2
Attachment 1 FEIS Comments - 2 of 2
Attachment 2 - Campo Wind Final EIS
Attachment 3 FEIS Apx H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 1 of 2
Attachment 3 FEIS Apx H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 2 of 3
Attachment 3 FEIS Apx H - Campo Wind EIS BTR_Appendices Part 3 of 3
Attachment 3 FEIS Apx H - Campo Wind EIS BTR__Main
Attachment 4 FEIS Apx O - Campo Wind References Cited
Attachment 5 FEIS Apx P - Campo Wind Mitigation Measures
Attachment 6 USFWS Biological Opinion